Garage Blog

The Best Office & Desk Plants That Can Thrive In Any Workspace

Adding plants to a workspace can be a very powerful tool for boosting positivity, concentration, and overall wellbeing. We know from 7 years of first-hand experience as a coworking space operator (and yes, scientists have proved it too)! 


Plus, with the Lunar New Year on our heels, get into the spirit of the season and spruce up your space with some lucky plants. Everything we’ve listed can easily be found in Hong Kong - just in case, we’ve included the Chinese names too. 


Here’s the Garage guide to low-maintenance indoor plants, that can thrive in any workspace or home office.

Snake pla​​nt 虎尾蘭

snake plant best indoor home office desk plant

Source: The Spruce


Snake plants are extremely popular, and for good reason! They’re excellent at purifying air indoors, and they’re nearly impossible to kill. 


How often should I water it? 

Snake plants are prone to root rot if it gets too wet, so go easy on the water! 

Let soil dry fully between waterings (every 2 -3  weeks when it’s warm, less in winter), and avoid getting its leaves wet. If in doubt, leave it alone.


How much light does it need? 

They’re tolerant to a wide range of light conditions, from semi-shade to direct sunlight. To boost its growth, give it at least a few hours of bright light a day.


Where should I put it? 

Move it around! Since it’s so tolerant to changes in humidity, light, and temperature, small snake plants can really go anywhere from your desk to the windowsill. 


ZZ plant 金錢樹

zz plant best indoor home office desk plant

Source: My City Plants

Also known as Zanzibar gems, these plants are surprisingly common in the storefronts of Hong Kong (take a look the next time you walk down the street!). Native to Eastern Africa, they prefer warmer temperatures (above 15ºC) and tolerate drought well.


How often should I water it? 

The leaves of the ZZ plant have adapted to store water, so it does not need frequent watering. Allow soil to dry fully between waterings (every 2 - 3 weeks when it’s warm, less in the winter)


How much light does it need?

Like the snake plant, ZZ plants can grow under all sorts of light conditions. Plenty of bright, filtered light is ideal - just avoid direct sun rays as it’ll cause sunburn! 


Where should I put it? 

Mature plants grow about a meter tall, so they’re perfect in a bright corner of your office (if it’s big enough, of course!). You can easily find smaller, desk-friendly versions too.


Money tree 發財樹

money tree best indoor home office desk plant

Source: Interior Plants


The term ‘money plant’ or ‘money tree’ can refer to a few different plants, but we’re talking about the Pachira Aquatica. Often sold with braided stems, they’re believed to bring wealth & prosperity when placed in the right area, according to feng shui traditions


How much do I need to water it? 

Money plants are happy in high humidity environments (great for Hong Kong). Mist the leaves of larger plants if needed, but avoid over-watering the roots to prevent rot. Water regularly, whenever the top 2 - 4 inches of soil feels dry.


How much light does it need? 

They don’t need huge amounts of light - fluorescent lights or moderate natural light for a few hours a day are enough. 


Where should I put it? 

While it’s not uncommon to have them as floor plants indoors (ie. full trees up to 2 meters tall), you can easily find desk-friendly ones that are a few inches tall, and even tiny saplings at the flower market.


Pothos plant 黃金葛​

pothos plant best indoor home office desk plant


Pothos plants look very similar to the philodendron, its climbing cousin. The difference is that the pothos is much hardier. They’re very easy to care for, but beware of how fast they can grow even when neglected! 


How much do I need to water it? 

Pothos plants prefer soil that is on the drier side. Drooping stems and leaves (or brown edges if kept too long) are a sign that it needs water. 


How much light does it need? 

The pothos can grow under fluorescent light, but needs adequate bright, indirect light to fully thrive. If its leaves start looking paler than usual, that means its getting too much sun.


Where should I put it? 

While hardy, pothos plants do prefer warmer temperatures and higher humidity. Avoid keeping it under chilly office AC winds, and move it towards a window. If you’re in a home office, consider hanging the plant, or let the vines snake along a tall shelf.


Peperomia 椒草

peperomia radiator plant best indoor home office desk plant

Source: Indoor Plant Center


Peperomia plants come in a huge number of varieties, with all sorts of leaf colours, patterns, and textures. They’re also very easy to care for, slow-growing, so you don’t have to worry about repotting them any time soon. 


How much do I need to water it? 

Just like the ZZ plant, peperomia have leaves adapted to storing water. Keep it on the drier side as a good rule of thumb, and make sure the top later of soil is dry before watering.


How much light does it need?

Depending on the variety of plant, peperomia like medium to bright indirect light best. They do well under fluorescent lights, but beware of sunburn if it’s put under direct sun days too long. 


Where should I put it? 

Peperomia reach a maximum height of about 30 cm, with most petite enough to keep on a small window sill. It’s a great desk plant, even if you’re not near a window. 


Chinese Evergreen/ Aglaonema 粗勒草

Chinese Evergreen Agaonema plant best indoor home office desk plant

Source: The Houseplant Resource Center


Native to Asia (not just China!) the Chinese evergreen is popular for its big, sprawling leaves that come in many colours. It can also be kept in just a vase of water (although it likely won’t grow), which makes it extra easy to care for. 


How much do I need to water it? 

For Chinese evergreens planted in soil, keep the soil moist but not water-logged. For ones that are kept in water, fill your vase with distilled water, and change whenever its cloudy. It also enjoys humid environments, so mist the leaves if your office is dry. 


How much light does it need? 

How much light your Chinese evergreen needs depends on the colour of its leaves. Generally speaking, the lighter varieties will grow best when it gets some bright light, and darker ones can tolerate semi-shade. It’s quite susceptible to sunburn, so avoid direct sun rays!


Where should I put it? 

Like the pothos, Chinese evergreens dislikes cool, windy places. Keep it away from any AC blasts - the warmer its home the better! 


Lucky bamboo 富貴竹

lucky bamboo best indoor home office desk plant


Contrary to what the name suggests, the lucky bamboo isn’t actually a bamboo plant. It is however, an excellent low maintenance desk plant because it can grow without soil! It’s also said to bring luck to its owner, especially when received as a gift. 


How often should I water it?

Just fill a vase with some pebbles and about an inch of distilled water (it’s quite sensitive to the various minerals in tap water). Change out the water when it gets cloudy, and that’s it!


How much light does it need? 

Exposing it to direct sun rays will cause sunburn, but otherwise the lucky bamboo happy to be in lots of bright light. 


Where should I put it? 

Lucky bamboo is known for being nearly indestructible, so anywhere goes! It’ll stay lucky, whether it’s on your desk or near a window.


Peace Lily 白鶴芊

peace lily plant best indoor home office desk plant

Source: Livspace


We’ve saved the flowering option for last. The peace lily is slightly more difficult to care for compared to the other plants in this article, but it is stunning to look at! They can flower for up to a few months each year.


How often do I need to water it? 

When the soil is dry about an inch below the surface, it’s a good time to re-water your peace lily. They also enjoy being misted often, since they originate from the humid tropics of Central America and Asia.


How much light does it need? 

A few hours of medium, indirect light a day is good for its growth. But if its leaves start curling, that means it’s got too much sun! 


Where should I put it? 

With its elegant form and low-light needs, go ahead and put it on your desk as the centrepiece! Just try to avoid any cold drafts, as it is  a tropical plant after all. 



garage society coworking space flexible office for rent wan chai hong kong

Garage Society helps businesses and individuals work better, through WorkStyle solutions tailored for them. 


From entrepreneurs to large corporates, we understand the diverse ways in which people work, which is why we focus on getting to your know and your business to create a smarter way for you to get work done.

Our spaces and events are also designed to balance productivity and wellbeing. Our Wan Chai Lockhart location is the home to a rooftop garden, and our workspaces are home to plenty of indoor greenery too!

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