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Want To Be An Influencer? Start By Being Yourself.

The term in ‘influencer marketing’ is being thrown left and right in the world of digital advertising. Rightfully so, as it’s proven to be a tool so powerful that paid advertising may be left in its dust in coming years. Let’s start by defining what influencer marketing is. Think of it like getting a product recommendation from a friend you look up to. An influencer targets a very specific community, or followers who relate to his or her lifestyle choice. It’s not difficult to understand why influencer marketing shows37% higher retention ratefor the consumer compared to traditional paid advertising. As Hong Kong residents, we know all too well how exhausting the relentless bombardment of advertising can be. Conversely, the social nature of influencer marketing means that it feels more personal, less agenda pushing, and encourages an aspirational lifestyle. On the other hand, advertisers also benefit more from an influencer arrangement because it’s organic (native), traceable, and helps with SEO. In fact, now is the perfect time for brands to test influencer marketing because it’s currently remains a form of arbitrage, meaning the oversupply of influencers presents prices that will only go up from here. I think it’s safe to say that there’s an influencer for every consumer product, from technology to fashion, cactus enthusiasts to crafty knitters. For those within these communities, the goal is often to transition from spectator to influencer. You receive the company’s latest offerings, people listen to what you have to say, and you get paid for dabbling in your hobby. Dream job, if you ask me. But the problem that arises, as influencer marketing emerges from its nascence and matures, is that it’s becoming increasingly standardised on both the advertiser and influencer side. When something works, procedures are set and tactics are implemented. In the case of influencer marketing, a methodology that’s deeply entwined with creativity, the effect can only be homogeneity with regards to the content that’s being created. Let me use fashion as an example because it’s the most illustrative in terms of the influencer to brand relationship. Going through my Instagram feed, I know to expect:

  • A fashion blogger standing in front of an interesting background, looking thoughtfully into the distance with sunglasses.
  • An aerial shot of a table filled with healthy but aesthetically pleasing food. Make sure it looks ‘candid’ with someone’s hand going for an amuse-bouche.
  • A selfie with an expression that says ‘I woke up like this’ when in fact it took 50+ shots and 20 minutes of editing to achieve a post-worthy photo.

You get the gist, and I’m sure you're familiar with this feeling if you follow any bloggers, vloggers, etc. The composition, content, and even opinions are all strikingly similar for all community influencers because – regardless of how many times that influencers say that they’re not being paid for their post – they can’t deny that being sent free products is a form of payment in itself. Consequently, everyone wears the same brands and has the same opinions about the industry.


In my opinion, it’s quite the opposite. Strictly speaking, being an influencer is almost synonymous to individuality. Your opinions are insightful, you’re style is unique, and you make rather than follow trends – that’s why people are inspired by you and trust you. But if you’re in it to check boxes and gain followers, it shows. And what makes or breaks an influencer’s success or popularity comes down to how they’re able to deviate from the status quo. In essence, this is what makes influencer marketing powerful, and without it, this form of marketing is no different than paid advertising. No matter the platform or subject, the first and final intent of influencer marketing should simply be to showcase everything makes you, well, you. Why chant the same tune when you can sing your own song? Do you agree? We’d love to know what you think, so please leave your comments below!

icon_hacks_b Created with Sketch. Garage Blog Maximising Productivity in Coworking Spaces: Tips and Tricks

With over a decade in Hong Kong's bustling coworking scene, I've witnessed firsthand the remarkable rise of shared office spaces in the city.


These dynamic spaces have revolutionised the way we work, offering a perfect blend of flexibility, community, and professional amenities. 


According to a recent study by Coworking Resources, the number of coworking spaces worldwide is projected to reach a staggering 41,975 this year, marking a significant 42% increase from 2019 to 2024.


The appeal of coworking spaces is undeniable. They provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional offices, foster networking opportunities, and offer a vibrant atmosphere that can spark creativity and innovation.


However, with the myriad of distractions and the constant buzz of activity, maintaining productivity in these shared environments can be challenging.

So whether you're a freelancer, a remote worker, or part of a growing startup, these tips and tricks will help you harness the full potential of your coworking experience while keeping your productivity at its peak.


James Bernardo, Program Director, Garage Society

icon_hacks_b Created with Sketch. Garage Blog Taste the Best of Sai Ying Pun: Our Handpicked Top 10 Lunch Spots!

Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and popular dining hotspots around Garage Society Sai Ying Pun. Whether you're a local in search of new lunchtime favorites or a visitor craving a taste of the vibrant dining scene, this guide is your ticket to culinary delight.


From quick bites to leisurely lunches, Sai Ying Pun has it all, and we're here to guide you through the flavors that await. Get ready to recharge and refuel at the lunch spots that call Sai Ying Pun home


By Tatiana Park, Community Marketing Executive
icon_hacks_b Created with Sketch. Garage Blog The Entrepreneur's Journey with Claire Yates, Founder of The Lion Rock Press

We sat down with former Garager and longtime friend of Garage, Claire Yates, Founder of The Lion Rock Press to explore the hurdles faced in running a business in Hong Kong, the benefits of co-working spaces, the challenges of exploring new business ventures in the world of tech and the significance of physical greeting cards in today's digital age - dive in below!